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What Documents Do You Need for Your Nursing Home Stay?

If a nursing home stay is not happening immediately, then the attorney needs very few documents. We needs to know what the person owns and what those assets are worth, but he does not necessarily need to see all of the bank and broker statements. He would need to see the existing powers of attorney and living wills to make sure they are sufficient. Nearly always the Medicaid planning attorney is going to prepare a Medicaid trust, a new will, and usually new financial powers of attorney. On the other hand, if we are going to apply immediately for Medicaid, then the attorney and his paralegals need a mind numbing amount of documents. They will need everything Medicaid will ask for and possibly even more. This means, at a minimum, all bank and broker statements for all existing assets, deeds, monthly expenses for the house and those bills, Medicare cards and drivers licenses, marriage certificates, proof of military service, bank account statements going back at least three months, proof of any gifts made in the last five years, and probably more. It takes a lot of effort to get these items. This is why it is important to work with a lawyer and staff that not only is knowledgeable, but also caring human beings. This is stressful wok under difficult circumstances. You want folks who understand how hard it is and try to make it more bearable.