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Are You Eligible for Medicaid?

To be eligible for Medicaid, a person must be significantly deteriorated and poor. For deterioration, there are two types: mental and physical. On the mental health side, if one needs constant supervision to prevent harm to himself or others, then this qualifies. On the physical side, there are 6 activities of daily living: transferring, toileting, continence, dressing, bathing, and eating. If you need help doing two or more, you qualify. On the money side, one can keep excludable assets like pre-paid funerals, HHG&F, and durable medical equipment like scooters, wheelchairs, dentures, and hearing aids. If one is married, then the spouse at home can also keep the nicest car and the house. Once we screen out those exempt assets, a single person can keep $1500. The spouse at home can keep half of the remaining assets or roughly $113,000, whichever is less.