County: Miami
Facility: Piqua Manor
Phone Number: 937-773-0040
Medicaid Accepted? (Y/N): Yes
Length of private pay period (if none, then so indicate): None.
Type of facility (Independent/Assisted Living/Custodial): Custodial and Short-term care
Why should families choose this community?
HCF – Piqua Manor has a great reputation for good patient care. Piqua Manor offers a full continuum of care with its sister facility Garbry Ridge. Combined there is Long-Term care, Short-Term Care, Assisted Living, Memory Care, Independent Living and Heritage Home Health Care services. Piqua Manor has an exclusive Pulmonary program with Respiratory Therapist and a Ventilator specific unit under the direction of Dr Yacoub. The Ventilator and Pulmonary programs have a high level of care and are working to assist patients to be able to be removed from the ventilator. All staff are employees of HCF Piqua Manor.