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Nursing Home? Assisted Living? Independent Living? Uh, What’s the Difference?


Nursing Home - Lovett & House Co., LPAAs you or a loved one age, it may become necessary to consider some type of nursing facility. This can be a very difficult decision, and the matter can be further complicated as you try to determine exactly what type of facility is needed: there are so many different types of care available, from independent living to skilled nursing to adult day care. Which do you or a family member need? The following takes a closer look at the different types of nursing facilities to help you understand which may best fit your needs.

Adult Daycare

Adult daycare facilities are like traditional child daycare services, except they’re for adults and/or senior citizens. These are not a facility at which an individual lives but rather a place an individual goes to for a day or a few hours. Typically, adult daycares aren’t for individuals that require medical attention.

Independent Living

Independent living offers a minimal level of assistance and is the least regulated of nursing facilities. Independent living is for individuals who can do most things, such as personal grooming, on their own but wish to live among seniors in a senior-friendly environment. For example, the individual can bathe and dress him or herself, but landscaping is handled by the facility.

Congregate Care

Congregate care is pretty much independent living but with community involvement and activities. For instance, the facility might have a dining hall or daily games of bingo. A lot of times, these facilities will simply be labeled as independent living facilities.

Assisted Living

Assisted living is a step up from independent living in terms of the level of assistance needed. Individuals in this type of facility can usually still take care of their grooming and sanitation needs but require help with household chores such as laundry.

Intermediate Care

Intermediate care is for individuals who need help with day-to-day personal tasks, such as bathing, but don’t need actual medial attention.

Skilled Nursing/Nursing Home

Skilled nursing facilities (a.k.a. nursing homes) are traditional facilities that offer assistance with day-to-day tasks and chores as well as round-the-clock medical and nursing services.

Continuing Care

Continuing care (sometimes also called life care communities) are facilities that allow an individual to remain in one place as their condition progresses. This type of facility offers everything from independent living through skilled nursing care. This allows the individual to get comfortable in and familiar with an environment and avoid the stresses of being relocated as they age or their medical condition progresses.

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